Whelp, it's official.
I have a prototype up and running, and it positively scares the shit out of me.
I'm not kidding.
That's probably a really arrogant thing to say about my own game, but it's the truth (at least for me). I'm such a wuss, I get anxious to test my own damn game that I MADE. I should've anticipated this happening, what with my low tolerance for scary things and all. But alas, I was young and foolish. Still, I shall continue to plug away at this project and see where it takes me (hopefully it'll build some character, too).
Currently I have a "playground" of sorts, with 4 light points. In between the light points are a bunch of sleeping monsters that snore as you get close to them. The surround sound effect that's produced by Unity's 3D sounds is even better than I could have hoped for. Unfortunately, silly me, I recorded the placeholder sounds too quietly...So it doesn't sound fantastic unless you really crank up the volume.
Speaking of sounds though, the monsters now have lovely sound effects, voiced by yours truly. I pretty much just sat in front of my computer making guttural noises until my housemates knocked on my door, asking if I needed to go to the hospital.
Out of all of the aspects in this game, audio is the MOST important, so even if I have some placeholder sounds, it's going to go a long way for testing. This is definitely a different process than Cipher had last year (almost all of the audio was done in the final 2 or 3 weeks back then). Looking forward to the new challenge!
If anyone's curious about the current build, you can play it at the link below!
Please use headphones and turn the volume up when you play!!
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