Friday, June 13, 2014

6/13/14: I'm makin' things spooky!

Another Friday, another build update!

This time I made a little "funhouse" for the player to explore.  I'm experimenting with ways to guide the player to specific places, without them able to actually see anything.  I opted to have tiny wall lights to let them know where the boundaries are, and I kind of like how they look so far.

I've also varied the monster sound effects, so now there are 3 different variations of me sounding like an idiot for you to enjoy!  On top of that, I set up a few trigger events to surprise the player, which is mostly just me experimenting with what I can and can't get away with in terms of scares.  So far I really like what I've been able to put out, but my Unity skills still seem rudimentary at best.  Here's an excerpt of a piece of shit script I wrote at 1am when I couldn't get things to work and was too tired to try to actually figure it out...

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Lights;

public class TurnRoomLightsOff : MonoBehaviour
    public LightSource light1;
    public LightSource light2;
    public LightSource light3;
    public LightSource light4;
    public LightSource light5;
    public LightSource light6;
    public GameObject monster1;
    public GameObject monster2;
    public GameObject monster3;
    public GameObject monster4;
    public GameObject monster5;
    public GameObject monster6;
    public GameObject monster7;
    public GameObject monster8;
    public WakeUpMonster wakeMonster1;
    public WakeUpMonster wakeMonster2;
    public WakeUpMonster wakeMonster3;
    public WakeUpMonster wakeMonster4;
    public WakeUpMonster wakeMonster5;
    public WakeUpMonster wakeMonster6;
    public WakeUpMonster wakeMonster7;
    public WakeUpMonster wakeMonster8;

    /*private GameObject[] getLights;
    public LightSource[] roomLights;

    void Awake()
        getLights = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("roomLight");

        for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
            roomLights[i] = getLights[i].GetComponent<LightSource>();
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        //Oh god kill me...

        monster1.collider.enabled = true;
        monster2.collider.enabled = true;
        monster3.collider.enabled = true;
        monster4.collider.enabled = true;
        monster5.collider.enabled = true;
        monster6.collider.enabled = true;
        monster7.collider.enabled = true;
        monster8.collider.enabled = true;

        wakeMonster1.collider.enabled = true;
        wakeMonster2.collider.enabled = true;
        wakeMonster3.collider.enabled = true;
        wakeMonster4.collider.enabled = true;
        wakeMonster5.collider.enabled = true;
        wakeMonster6.collider.enabled = true;
        wakeMonster7.collider.enabled = true;
        wakeMonster8.collider.enabled = true;

Don't be me, kids.  There's no pride in that...

Here's a link to the latest build, if you'd like to try it out!

Monday, June 9, 2014

6/9/14: More unity tutorials, and a general timeline!

Alright, it's time to get my ass in gear and start making some genuine, solid, regimented progress!

The combination of internship, class, and game dev has been burning me out hardcore, so I've set up a sort of schedule for myself to try to get some goals completed in the coming months.

First and foremost!  I'm not going to force myself to make any sort of significant progress from Tues-Thurs.  Due to interning 8 hours, and then studying in class for 3, I don't usually get home until around 9:30.  Then I eat dinner and it's already likely 10:30 by that point.  No way in HELL am I going to try to force myself to work on my game on those days anymore (unless I'm really feeling up to it).

Secondly!  I have an official timeline that I'm going to try to stick to with certain deliverables I want done by the end of each month.  Here's what it's looking like so far:

Thursday, June 5, 2014

6/5/14: So, it has come to this...

Whelp, it's official.

I have a prototype up and running, and it positively scares the shit out of me.

I'm not kidding.

That's probably a really arrogant thing to say about my own game, but it's the truth (at least for me).  I'm such a wuss, I get anxious to test my own damn game that I MADE.  I should've anticipated this happening, what with my low tolerance for scary things and all.  But alas, I was young and foolish.  Still, I shall continue to plug away at this project and see where it takes me (hopefully it'll build some character, too).

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

6/6/14: Lookit me, I got lights working again!

For the 3rd time now, my light's engine is working.  Better than before!  Now when I walk into one light, it turns on the next one.  And then I walk into that one, and it turns on the NEXT one!  Indefinitely!

Lights also flicker on when they're activated, giving it a more spooky vibe.

Monday, June 2, 2014

6/2/14: So many commitments, aaaaahhh!

So I haven't been slacking off entirely.

This weekend consisted of me drudging through a Unity tutorial that's been showing me the ropes of scripting a lot better than a bunch of lessons in a row could.

For better or for worse, I'm not that far into the engine of my game yet, so it's not too detrimental for me to start from square one.  I should be able to catch up in a day or so, methinks.

In the meantime, working during the day, and classes in the evening has been kicking my tender, vulnerable ass.  Game deving afterwards is almost always exhausting.  Yet I persevere!  I hope to get this done by mid-August.

Wish me luck!