Saturday, May 24, 2014

5/25/14: Oh man! First post to kick things off!

Been a while since I've kept track of what I've been up to on a daily basis!  Here's hoping this'll keep me on track for the summer ahead...

So this game's going to be VASTLY different from Cipher, my first endeavor.  "That Freaky Basement Feeling" (tentatively titled) is going to be a first-person horror game that tries to encapsulate that panicked, adrenaline-fueled feeling you get when you turn off the lights in the basement and try to bolt up the stairs as fast as you can.

90% of the game will take place in almost pitch blackness (*cough*becauseIcan'tdoart*coughcough*).  Light will be your safe haven from the nastiest that lurk out of sight, and each monster will have its own quirks and behaviors that the player has to adjust for in order to survive.

As expected from the lack of visuals, sound design is going to play a SIGNIFICANT role in this game's development.  Monsters are going to be sloshing, growling, giggling, slithering, and doing all SORTS of things (that you can't see, but you can imagine).  So that'll be a fun thing to experiment with.

So far, this is what's on my plate for the summer:
1.  First time working in Unity (including the C# programming language)
2.  First time working in 3D (hopefully the simplistic 1st person perspective will make things easier)
3.  New, heavy focus on sound quality and effects.
4.  Gonna try to scare people.  We'll see how that goes. :P

It's looking to be a busy summer!

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